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 07769 339007 

Special Offers - 20% Off Essential Oil Blends - Joie de Vivre & Defensive Qi

  • Lemon

    Citrus limonum Italy 100% Organic content

    From £6.55 £5.24

    20% Off Essential Oils

  • Chamomile, Roman

    Chamameleum nobile France 100% organic ingredients Picture: German chamomile is on the left and the roman on the right Roman Chamomile is a sweetly aromatic evergreen perennial. The flowering head comprises a yellow disc with white florets. Flowers are borne singly on long erect stems and ...

    From £11.35 £9.08

    20% Off Essential Oils

  • Eucalyptus, Blue-Gum

    Eucalyptus globulus Espagne 100% organic content

    From £5.85 £4.68

    20% Off Essential Oils

  • Cardamon

    Elletaria cardamomum Guatemala 100% Organic content

    From £15.90 £12.72

    20% Off Essential Oils

  • Harmonize

    Frankincense, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile & Vetiver A blend to help release nervous tension, calm the nerves and restore one’s sensual mental-emotional equilibriuma formula designed to restore inner harmony

    From £10.95 £8.76

    20% Off Indian Head Massage Blends - Harmonise

  • Sensual Awakening - Svadisthana (Sacral) Chakra

    Key oils: Jasmine ~ Neroli ~ Patchouli Sensual Awakening is a blend of oils of a warm and floral, gently spicy-exotic nature, designed to enhance and bring to the fore the sensuous aliveness of the Sacral Chakra. It works not only to release the flow of sexual energy but of instinct, creativity ...

    From £16.10 £12.88

    20% Off Chakra Blends - Sacral

  • Effortless Action - Kidney (Water)

    *Juniper, 19Cedarwood, Cypress, Thyme Thymol & Lavender * Poor stamina, lower backache, lack of motivation, inertia, low self-confidence, apprehensive anxiety

    From £7.95 £6.36

    20% Off Meridian Blends - Effortless Action

  • Niaouli

    Melaleuca quinquinervia Madagascar 100% Organic conttent

    From £5.55 £4.44

    20% Off Essential Oils

  • Evening Primrose

    Oenothera biennis China Cold-pressed from the seeds 100% organic content

    From £9.85 £8.86

    10% Off Vegetable / Carrier Oils - Evening Primrose