Bees Wax
Beeswax is produced in the hive by young worker bees. It is secreted from glands situated under the belly of the bee, in the shape of a tiny scale 3 mm wide and 0.1 mm thick. It takes over 1000 scales to make 1 gr of wax. The wax is used to build the comb cells in which larvae's develop, young bees are raised and honey and pollen are stored. The scales are originally crystal clear, become white as the bee chews it and turns later on to an orangey brown colour with the incorporation of pollen and propolis.

Beeswax offers a great resistance to heat. At normal hive temperature of 37C, the wax still keeps the shape it has been moulded into, supports the considerable weight of the bees industrious life, and still can be chewed in the bee’s jaw to repair or build new cells.
Beeswax does not penetrate the skin but forms a protective layer over it. It can be included in any ‘barrier creams’ and is especially useful to make lipsticks or lip balms as it will remain on the lips for hours, thus protecting them from the drying effects of cold and pollution.
As its melting point is 64C, it will work as a stabiliser in an ointment or balm, preserving the consistency of the product all year round, throughout the temperature changes of the seasons.
Our beeswax is certified organic by the soil association and comes in small pellets.
Do not melt directly in a sauce pan, as excess of direct heat will damage the wax. Use a Bain Marie, either a glass or plastic bowl over a pan of boiling water. The wax will damage the container as it is very difficult to clean the residue. Only use a disposable container or something you will only use for this purpose.