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 07769 339007 

Creative Resonance - Vishudda (Throat) Chakra

Average Review: 5

From £11.85


Rosemary verbenone ~ Clary Sage ~ Spike lavender ~ Black Spruce ~ Patchouli

Creative Resonance is a blend of oils whose pungent, camphoraceous and aerial notes bespeak of clarity and projection ~ of dynamic communication. Its subtle power to activate the Throat Chakra can help us to find our individual voice and creative drive.

  • Use 1% of the blend in a massage oil (7 drops to a 30 ml bottle of massage oil or cream)
  • Add 5 to 6 drops to a bath
  • 10 drops in a burner

Customer Reviews

5 Star Rating Update on Creative Resonance: Ideal "Unblocker" in the burner - 12 December 2024

Reviewer: Francesca from Vienna

At the time I wrote the previous review, I didn't really take to Creative Resonance. Now I do, and find it very conducive to unblocking situations in coaching sessions, as it creates the right atmosphere for a brainstorming session. Thank you for your natural talent in blending. It's great!

5 Star Rating Bizarre coincidence leads to happy TCM doc - 2 July 2017

Reviewer: Francesca from Austria

I wanted to give my TCM doc something a little out of the ordinary -- as she is a person 'who has everything'. On the tube on the way to her place, I discovered I'd got the 'wrong' blend. Oh no! However, just to 'prove' that I'd actually intended to bring a gift, I showed her the bottle of "Creative Resonance". She opened the bottle and sniffed it -- and she was hooked ;-) It turns out it was just the right thing for her in terms of fragrance and therapeutic intent, and that she is going to use it to help her husband (who is recovering from a very serious op) to promote his wellbeing on a physical and *mental* level (he is feeling listless and rather despondent). Thank you, Isabelle, for yet another successful blend!