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 07769 339007 


Average Review: 5

From £15.80


Cistus ladaniferus



Cistus, also called rock-rose for the resemblance of its dainty, papery five petal flowers to wild rose blossoms, gives out an essential oil with a delicious aroma. Sweet and fresh, lemony with a hint of honey, tenacious enough but not overwhelming, it blends well with all the citrus oils, the flowers such as geranium, lavender and ylang ylang, the spices such as cardamon, ginger and frankincense. It provides a base note which anchors the citrus top notes which would otherwise evaporate too quickly.

Cistus is invaluable for skin repair, scarred tissue and light wounds, mature skin and fine wrinkles. It is useful to treat infections of the upper respiratory tract and rheumatoid arthritis.

To know more about Cistus - profile and blending ideas

Customer Reviews

There are 4 Customer Reviews for this product, show all Reviews

5 Star Rating Exquisite - 17 October 2012

Reviewer: Margo from Kent

I have been buying Materia Aromatica for ten years and the pureness and quality never ceases to amaze. The Cistus here is heavenly. I use it in a skincare oil blend as well as adding a drop or two to an oil burner. The fragrance is always commented on as the scent is pure and beautiful.

5 Star Rating Mesmerizing - 20 September 2012

Reviewer: Lucy from Leicestershire

Aiming to recreate the smell of my walks in the Greek pine forests in the summer, I discovered cistus. As soon as I opened the bottle I was transported to another place. I now take that little bottle with me everywhere, and have urged so many people to smell it's unusual smell. Unlike many other lesser known essential oils, everyone without exception has expressed surprise and interest in this scent. It grows on you. All the essential oils I have bought from Materia Aromatica are miles beyond any I have from other companies, and I've been careful selecting those companies. The bottles are beautiful too. Very happy customer. 

5 Star Rating Addendum: Cistus and the grandmother connection - 16 March 2011

Reviewer: Francesca from Vienna

A footnote to my original review: Cistus seems to have a 'grandmother connection': a Cistus body butter made with Shea Butter caused the person to say "Oh! This takes me back to my grandmother in an instant!" (the person lives here in Vienna, her grandmother is long dead, and lived in Africa...). In the second incident, an Austrian acquaintance sniffed the Cistus and started laughing hysterically (I was quite worried): she said she had seen 'old ladies having fun'. It turned out she meant that she'd 'seen' her grandmother dancing -- but that in reality this would be impossible, because her grandmother had been a very dour woman who had no time for anything but work. Except, of course, that a few weeks later, her mother casually mentioned that her grandmother used to love dancing and had been the belle of the ball in her youth...