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 07769 339007 

Jasmine Grandiflorum (Absolute)

From £16.90


Jasmine Grandiflorum




An aboslute is produced in 2 stages

  1. The flowers are steeped in a solvent, usually hexane, to dissolve all the waxes and aromatic compounds of the flowers. The hexane is then evaporated to produce a concretea solid mixture of waxes and aromatic compounds.
  2. As and when the absolute is required for purchase, the second stage of processing is undertaken to remove all the waxes and retain the aromatic compounds only. This produces an absolute which is liquid and darkish brown, with a strong, overpowering aroma of jasmine.


Jasmine is used medicinally as an analgesic, anti-depressive, anti-infectious, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, calmative, mild cardio-tonic, expectorant, parturient and uterine tonic.

Jasmine is the most valued oil in childbirth, applied to the lower back and abdomen in early labour it will help with relieving pain and strengthen the contractions as well as promoting focus and strength.

Being a powerful influence on the emotional system, jasmine can be used when people are inhibited from showing love due to unresolved emotional blocks. It dimishes fear, enhances self-confidence and optimism.

It is useful in cases of nervous tension, restlessness, agitation, insomnia, nervous debility, anxiety, depression and palpitations. As Jasmine regulates the Qi and Blood in the Uterus, it is advised in cases of irregular menstruation, PMT, dysmenorrhoea. It enhances sexual desire in cases of impotence or frigidity due to tension or melancholy.


Avoid in the first eight months of pregnancy.

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